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Satswana Service for Commercial Organisations

Our first challenge with any commercial organisation is to get to ‘know our customer’, understand your business, establish where the risks are. To do this our starting point is to conduct an “impact assessment” with you. Please contact us if you would like to arrange that.

The output from this discussion is a report that will normally provide you with all the guidance that you will require to become compliant. In most situations this can be delivered within a day of meetings together, at a cost on our side of around one thousand pounds (plus VAT) – depending on what specialists may be required. If needed a second or third day would be pro rata.

That may lead to an agreed programme of work, such as providing model policies for instance, or you may prefer to engage us on an annual contract basis. Alternatively, now that we know you, we would be happy to respond to any problems that arise in the future on a time and materials basis.

We are always prepared to discuss a common approach for a given sector, where we can learn from you what is required and then replicate it across other offices, please just call to see what can be done.