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This resources area will be constantly changing and being updated as new content becomes available.  Initially it contains the update notices we have published and the Satswana Guidance Manual. 

These documents are heavily biased towards the Schools market, and it will be our intention to customise the guide for other entities.  However most of the principles and advice that is relevant to education will also apply generally, so please consider whether you can adapt the guidance to your sector. 

We provide this content on an open access basis, principally for the benefit of our customers, and for those who would wish to evaluate our competence before using our services.  Generally we believe in the open sharing of knowledge, especially in this new area of compliance practice.  Thus we welcome any comment or opinion from other market participants who may contribute alternative thoughts and approaches.  We are continuously learning in conjunction with our community, and wish to continue to do so. 

Original contributions may have come from many sources, but we claim Copyright to preserve appropriate control.  Permission to reproduce will normally be granted freely, but we do request that you ask formal approval to do so if you are not a customer.  Please use our standard contact form.